by System Verification

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Our Employees (5)

Student QA Mingle

Last week our Talent Acqusition Team hosted a student event, at our HQ in Malmö. They invited students that are currently studying to become software test engineers at EC Utbildning in Malmö. This program and System Verification’s niche are very aligned, and we are happy for our continued collaboration with EC. System Verification has employees that has studied this program before, both newly graduated and some more experienced. A perfect match for future opportunities for students to land a matching job and for us to connect with these talents.

The evening consisted of interesting and insightful panel discussions together with some of our expert consultants and our very own doctor in Software Quality Assurance, Magnus C Ohlsson. Before the event the students had submitted what they were most curious to know about test, QA and the role as consultant. Resulted in different topics and discussions - both on a more technical level but also everything from agile methodologies, qualities as a tester and different roles within QA.

With amazing food and drinks that was served later we had a great time. The evening continued with some contact-making mingle with our experts and the students.

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Winners of Space Community Cup

Earlier this week our colleagues Goran Jouma and Patrick Engström Roxendal won the Space Community Cup and took home the coveted trophy to our office. Meet the FIFA pros;

Congratulations on the victory! How does it feel to be the best at FIFA 2021 in the whole office complex?

''It feels really good! There were some tough opponents, but we managed to win in the end! Very fun to have these kind of events within the community. I haven’t played in a while actually, but it’s always big fun to play with friends when I get the chance!'' Patrick says. ''Thank you! It's not something that I expected to be at my workplace (but I'll take it), it feels great! I feel that it was a hard fought victory against some great opponents. It’s also a fun form to socialize in I must say! '' Goran says. 

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Opening up the doors to our office in Hamburg

January 2022 is not only the start of a new year, but also the official start of our new German System Verification office in Hamburg. Of course, our journey in Hamburg didn’t just start and our first Hamburg colleagues already joined us in October 2021. Michael Lucas, Prasanth Sivakumar and Andrei Suvorkov are very excited about the opening of the new office. Read what they think about the start in Hamburg and our future journey in the north of Germany: 

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System Verification Malmö hires its first fully remote employee

At System Verification we believe in new ways of working. We always strive to work in a modern way and don’t hesitate to try new things. Early in the pandemic, when a lot of companies discussed what impact this would have on them, we instead had workshops focusing on what possibilities this could give us. One of them was remote work, hiring people purely on skill and values and not based on geographic location.  

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The Movember initiative against cancer

Movement is one of the greatest sources of joy and well-being. Cancer on the other hand one of the most deadly diseases, which in one way or the other, can affect us all. During the month of November we therefore wanted to contribute to the fight against cancer, by promoting movement by everyone and charity from everyone. We chose to call it Movember. For every Movember-event our employees participated in, we gave 5 euros per person to a cancer research/support organization in their country.

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Big steps ahead for our PhD student and her research

Two months ago, the well reputed Springer Nature journal SN Computer Science, published an article by our colleague Adha Hrusto and co-authors Prof. Per Runeson and Dr. Emelie Engström. The title was “Closing the Feedback Loop in DevOps Through Autonomous Monitors in Operations”The work presented in the article has been carried out in collaboration with our customers in the region.

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Regional conferences System Verification

A few moments from our regional conferences

System Verification hosts an international conference every year where all our regions gather for an eventful few days with inspiring presentations, delicious food and fun activities. This year, considering the circumstances of the pandemic, we opted to have regional conferences instead. Each region hosted their individual conference, and we'd like to share a few moments from these highly successful events with a great turn-up from our colleagues.

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