by System Verification

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Our Employees (4)

HR team in Amsterdam

During the 19th and 20th of October, our global HR team visited the HRCoreAcademy Summit, live in Amsterdam! An HR conference with HR leaders participating from different countries and companies with a common focus on the topics of Learning & Development and Talent Transformation.

Last year we took part in this conference as well, however, due to the pandemic, it was held digitally. We were therefore really excited to be part of it live this year and get the chance to meet and connect with other HR professionals to share inspiration, challenges and learnings. Even though company sizes and branches might differ a lot, still, the topics and insights you get from each other are of great value. It gave us ideas on how to improve and do differently in some areas but also a confirmation that we do a really good job in several areas already.

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I am your worst nightmare - Let us talk about something scary!

I have said it before and I hate to say it again, but I have been working for 25 years in the software industry, but I have seen fairly small improvements over the years. It has been said that it is a young discipline and therefore it is prone to failure, and everyone needs to learn from their mistakes. Over the years a number of different methods, tools, processes, etc. have been presented to help us improve but still I hear more stories about projects that have quality problems and run over budget and time, compared to projects that succeed to meet their initial frames.

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System Verification Jönköping

The tale of our first year in Jönköping

The Tale of The Castle at the Shores of Lake Vättern.

One morning in early August 2021, in the midst of the Corona pandemic, two noble, hopeful and somewhat nervous QA knights met in a parking lot outside a furniture store in Jönköping. They arrived in their graceful gray steeds (also known as “cars”). One of the steeds was a rental vehicle, with a dubious smell from the carpets. The other steed simply reeked of horses. But that did not stop the two knights from embarking upon their new adventure.

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World QA Day

Quality Assurance, or QA testing, is an important step in the software development process. By discovering defects early in the development cycle, QA testing will save time, money, and frustration. Faster and more frequent software releases create room for error, which makes quality assurance a vital part for the success of any fast-paced development. With QA being the core business of SYVE, we are naturally excited to recognize and celebrate World QA Day.


A person that haput his heart into QA over the years is our CEO of System Verification Sweden, Fredrik Grimsberg.


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Moments from our 20 years celebration conference

Finally it was time to meet again!After years of waiting due to the pandemic, our annual conference finally could be held. This year was also a special year for us, our 20 years anniversary. All the offices around in Europe could finally come together and have conference and celebrate these years of success. This year we all met up at the beautiful five star hotel Le Méridien Lav Split just by the ocean. The hotel was super nice, the weather was great and the conversations even better. We had also invited fantastic speakers- A big thank you to Anna Tebelius Bodin , Michael Feathers, Tomislav Čleković, Nyari Samushonga & Aslam Khan how inspierd us a lot through these days. 

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Beginner vs Expert QA

Starting your first work experience might be challenging and stressful, especially if you have mentors with many years of experience and want to present yourself in the best version possible. When you step into a completely new version of the working industry after college, you may have no idea what to expect or offer from your background knowledge. The expectations are high, but how can you learn and apply everything correctly? Turning fear into a challenge is one of our ways of helping new colleagues and interns to overcome their fears and anxieties about sharing their knowledge and even making mistakes from which we can all learn. In our community, you will always have selfless help from all colleagues, extraordinary mentors who have many years of experience and are happy to share their knowledge with you, and a happy, friendly working environment. 

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SYVE Around The World- Almost there

Meet Julia, the project manager for SYVE Around The world.  

We have now walked for a little bit over a month in this year’s set up, together we have at this time walked close to 60 000 000 steps with 139 participants. This year we had set the goal to walk around the world. This is the second year we at System Verification arrange this type of internal walking competition. Read about last year here. Last time we walked 97% around the globe, before the first team reached the finish line in Stockholm. It felt a bit like we stumbled on the finish line, which inspired this year's set up.  

We have walked virtually through Italy, Lebanon, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, South Africa, Argentina and soon we will pass France before we will reach the finish line in Croatia, Spilt. Why Split you may wonder? This year all our regions will finally meet in person again, at our annual conference, that will actually take place in Split! A perfect opportunity to also have an award ceremony for SYVE Around The World. All the teams are mixed with colleagues from all our hubs around Europe and I think that this will really ‘’tie up the sack’’ for this year's competition. 

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