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How ISO Certifications Drive Quality and Sustainability at System Verification

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ISO certifications are a key part of how System Verification drives quality and sustainability. By being certified under ISO9001 and ISO14001, we ensure not only that our processes are efficient and structured, but also that we actively take responsibility for the environment. We sat down with Jonas Gyllenspetz, overall responsible for our ISO Certifications and our internal auditors Eric Järdemar, and Fredrik Hägg, to gain a deeper understanding of how ISO certifications impact our daily work and how they help us continually strive for improvement.

The Importance of ISO Certifications and Our History with Them

System Verification has been certified under ISO9001 since 2009 and ISO14001 since 2014. These two standards are fundamental to how we operate, both externally and internally. ISO9001 helps us systematically improve our work processes and ensure high quality at every stage. At the same time, our ISO14001 certification demonstrates that we take environmental issues seriously and work with sustainability in a structured way.

Jonas Gyllenspetz, explains:
"ISO9001 has been with us for a long time and is a cornerstone in how we ensure quality in our processes. It’s about having structured routines and constantly following up and improving. When we added ISO14001 in 2014, we showed both internally and externally that we take environmental issues very seriously."

Why Do We Continue to Certify Ourselves?

The certifications are not just something we do to meet requirements; they give us concrete tools to become better as a company. Customers expect us to work systematically and purposefully, and it's becoming increasingly important that we also show a clear commitment to the environment. Eric Järdemar emphasizes the importance of customer expectations:
"Our customers want to work with companies they can trust. Through our certifications, we demonstrate that we have control over our processes and that we are continuously working on improvements and sustainability."

But it’s not just our customers who benefit from our certifications. Internally, it provides us with a framework to follow, along with the ability to measure and track our business in a structured way. This allows us to constantly identify areas for improvement and work on them systematically. 

Challenges and Opportunities in the Role of Internal Auditor

Being an internal auditor at System Verification means having insight into how the entire organization operates, from core processes to support processes. Fredrik Hägg describes it like this:
"The best part of being an internal auditor for the company is the unique opportunity to gain a broad insight into the business as a whole. You get to work closely with different departments and functions, which gives you a deeper understanding of how all the parts work together to drive the company forward. It also gives me the chance to identify improvement opportunities and be part of the effort to create more efficient processes and strengthen the company’s internal controls. Being an internal auditor isn’t just about numbers and rules—it’s about working with the people, the ‘souls,’ within the organization to create a sustainable and successful company."

Eric agrees and adds that working on sustainability issues within ISO14001 is particularly exciting:
"Being able to see concrete results from our environmental efforts, both in terms of reducing our climate footprint and in how we influence our partners, is a part of the job I really enjoy."

Concrete Improvements Thanks to ISO Certifications

The ISO certifications haven’t just improved our processes—they’ve also had tangible results in our operations. When opening new offices, for example, we have clear and well-tested processes for everything from recruitment to delivery and sales. This allows us to establish ourselves quickly with unified ways of working, creating alignment across the entire company.

A particularly inspiring example of how our ISO14001 certification has made a difference comes from our office in Sarajevo. Thanks to pressure from our team there, and with reference to our environmental certification, the landlord decided to install solar panels on the building’s roof. It’s a small but significant step in the right direction. 

How We Maintain and Improve Our ISO Standards

Our work with ISO certifications is far from static. Through a carefully planned yearly cycle, we ensure that we constantly evaluate and improve our processes. Twice a year, we hold a management review, where we assess the performance of our processes and ensure we are meeting the goals we have set. In between, several internal audits are conducted, where Eric and Fredrik review different parts of the business.

Fredrik explains:
"We have a structured approach to working with our certifications. Through management reviews, internal audits, and the annual external audit, we ensure that we not only maintain our standards but also continuously improve them."

Challenges and Successes Along the Way

Of course, there have been challenges along the way. One of the biggest challenges has been maintaining high quality in all our processes while ensuring that every process owner receives the support they need. But these challenges have also provided us with opportunities to grow and improve.

Eric sums it up well:
"The challenges lie in maintaining high quality and ensuring that everything works in practice. But that’s also what makes the job as an internal auditor so exciting—we are constantly finding new ways to improve."

What’s Next?

The next steps in our ISO work follow the structured yearly cycle we have developed. After each external audit, we work on addressing any deviations and observations, and throughout the year we conduct regular internal audits to ensure we’re on the right track. The process culminates in the external audit, which takes place in September each year.

Fredrik concludes:
"It’s all about keeping improvement at the forefront. We follow up, evaluate, and adjust—and that’s what allows us to continue being a reliable partner for our customers and a sustainable player in the market."

By maintaining high standards and constantly striving for improvement, we continue to strengthen our brand both internally and externally. With ISO certifications as our foundation, and with a strong team of internal auditors, we are well-equipped to meet the challenges of the future—always with a focus on sustainability and quality.

Here you can learn more about our ISO and Sustainability work