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Customer Expectations, Challenges, and Success in the Energy Sector

In an era where digital transformation is redefining industries, understanding customer expectations and addressing sector-specific challenges are critical for success, particularly in the energy sector. Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with Eric Järdemar, also from System Verification, and Karin Lundqvist from Energibyrån to explore these themes during a webinar. Our conversation provides a comprehensive look at customer expectations, sector challenges, and the path to success.

Customer (or End-user) Expectations

During our discussion about today's customer landscape, Karin Lundqvist emphasized that “today's customers have very diverse and evolving expectations. They expect us to truly understand their needs and to communicate with them through their preferred channels—whether it's in person, via the web, on social platforms, or over the phone.” This means businesses must tailor their approach to different types of inquiries, ensuring 24/7 availability and quick, effective solutions.

Eric Järdemar highlighted the importance of creating personalized and user-friendly experiences. "Customers want simplicity and a cohesive experience" he said. They appreciate proactive engagement and expect transparency with real-time updates on their inquiries. Consistency in responses across all touch points is crucial, as is leveraging data to create valuable customer experiences. Trust, authenticity, and sustainability are especially important in B2B relationships.

In the energy sector, these general expectations are amplified by the industry's rapid transformation. Customers are evolving from passive recipients to active participants in the energy system, equipped with solar panels, electric vehicle chargers, batteries, and involvement in flexibility markets. They require tailored advice and solutions within this complex environment. Customers also expect transparency regarding their contributions and the value they add, whether through energy usage, production, efficiency, costs, revenue, or sustainability impacts like CO2 reduction.



Karin Lundqvist, Energibyrån 
Eric Järdemar, System Verification 



The energy sector faces significant challenges as it transitions towards more sustainable and efficient systems. One of the biggest challenges is balancing energy demand with capacity while adapting to new production, transmission, and flexibility models. Eric pointed out, "This macro-level transition involves developing new business models, products, and services to guide customers towards efficient and optimized energy use, contributing to a sustainable and balanced energy system."

In this new energy system, everything is interconnected and digital. Products and services are data-dependent, requiring high-quality data and accessibility. This places immense pressure on collaboration, data quality, and the ability to utilize data for creating efficiencies or new revenue streams.

Karin emphasized the struggle many energy companies face with legacy structures. "Many energy companies have focused on stability and reliable power delivery for over a century, resulting in outdated silo structures and systems that don’t support the necessary development," she said. Different companies face varied challenges and have different capabilities to meet customer needs, which calls for robust partnerships and collaboration.

To address these challenges, companies must start by clearly defining and understanding their role in the energy transition. Aligning systems and competencies with strategic goals is essential, as is prioritizing customer-centric approaches. Adopting agile methodologies where they add value, challenging existing structures, and learning from others can drive effective development.


Success in the energy sector is multifaceted, encompassing business results, competitiveness, sustainability, and employee engagement. Achieving robust business outcomes and maintaining a competitive edge require companies to build on sustainable and viable business models. Speed and value creation are critical in driving continuous improvement and learning. Engaged and motivated employees are essential to foster innovation and drive development.

Eric noted that success involves “achieving robust business results and maintaining competitiveness,” while Karin emphasized the importance of sustainable business models as a foundation for lasting success. Companies must focus on accelerating value creation and fostering a culture of continuous learning and development.

To achieve success, companies need to define and embrace their role in the industry, focus on key priorities, and execute them with precision. Breaking down silos and fostering cross-functional teams with agile working methods is crucial. Embracing digital development and building the necessary capabilities will drive shared success.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand Customer Needs: Tailor communication to preferred channels and provide 24/7 availability with quick, effective solutions.
  • Personalized Experiences: Create user-friendly, cohesive experiences with proactive engagement and real-time updates.
  • Digital and Data-Driven: Embrace digital interconnectivity and high-quality data to drive efficiencies and new revenue streams.
  • Overcoming Legacy Structures: Challenge outdated silo structures and systems to support necessary development.
  • Agile Methodologies: Adopt agile methodologies where they add value, prioritize customer-centric approaches, and learn from others.

In conclusion, navigating the future of the energy sector requires a deep understanding of evolving customer expectations, addressing complex challenges, and defining clear paths to success. By focusing on these areas, companies can not only meet but exceed customer expectations and thrive in a rapidly transforming landscape.

Want to read more about the Energy sector, read our interview with Eric Järdemar From Grid To Home

If you have any questions or areas you want to discuss regarding the Energy sector and the way to reach quality and long-term value creation, reach out! We would be happy to help! 

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